Wet Chemistry
Digestion is dissolution of sample matrix with either strong acids or bases, or high temperatures.
Many analytical instruments require that a sample be converted into a liquid for introduction into the analyzer. Although some samples will readily dissolve in water or in an inorganic solvent, some samples are stubborn. Our chemical analysis laboratory is equipped to dissolve virtually any sample by using a combination of chemicals, high temperature, and even microwave digestion.
Our scientists have the expertise and experience to determine which digestion will best meet your needs. If you have issues with sample preparation, talk with our scientists who are proficient at chemical and thermal digestions.
Sample Considerations
Most analysis require very small sample sizes. To accommodate duplicate analysis and have material remaining for potential additional tests, liquid samples of several hundred milliliters are usually sufficient.
In the case of solid samples, 100 to 200 grams is usually provided. Solids can be in the form of pellets, powder, or films. We can also convert a product into a suitable sample by using our sample preparation equipment.
If material is in short supply, talk with one of our scientists so that we can most efficiently use your sample. And, any unused portion can be returned to you.
Contact us with your specific sample consideration questions.
Work we’ve done:
- Dissolution and digestion of engineering resins
- Determination of chlorine-containing monomer in polyurethanes by digestion and titration
- Resin content of epoxy panels
- Metals content of energetic materials
- Fiber content of polyimide composite panels