This physical testing method can be used to ensure product specifications, as a means of quality control, and can be used in material development.
Flexural test methods determine the flexural properties of unreinforced and reinforced plastics and rubbery materials. Flex testing is a mechanical testing system (MTS) method.
Flexural test methods utilize either a three-point or a four-point loading system applied to a supported beam. Flexural properties, as determined by these test methods, are especially useful for quality control and specification purposes. Other purposes include:
- D790
- D6272
Sample Considerations
Typical samples are 7-15cm long. The width or thickness of a sample can vary based on the material. Flexural test methods are generally applicable to both rigid and semi rigid materials. Standard specimens or molded products can be tested.
Contact us to discuss your specific sample considerations.
Work we’ve done:
- Aged materials testing (compare the stiffness or rigidity over time and through use)
- Strength testing of materials (ensuring they will be strong enough for a certain application)
- Ensuring a material is meeting specifications
- Developing specifications
Products we’ve tested:
- Liners for cure in place pipe (CIPP)
- Dental implant materials
- Power transmission components for automobiles
- Dilation catheter
- Orthopedic anchors and splints