Consultation Services
In nearly every industry, testing requirements can be complicated.
Our scientific experts have decades of experience across multiple scientific fields and industries to guide you through comprehensive materials testing and chemical analysis that will best meet your needs and accomplish your goals.
Go To Market With Peace of Mind
Any organization that creates a tangible product must undergo preliminary materials testing before releasing that product. But there is more than a regulatory need – organizations benefit from our analytical testing services because we identify potential shortcomings and pitfalls early on. We uncover hidden or unexpected issues. This allows our clients to make essential changes and avoid costly defects from downstream unintended consequences or material failures. Additionally, our scientists can suggest better processes, provide in-depth problem analysis, and provide insight on possible risks. We make a significant contribution to Quality by Design (QbD), equipping our clients with added knowledge to optimize their products.
Our passionate scientific experts leverage state-of-the-art technologies and world-leading instrumentation to tackle any of our clients’ consultative needs. We provide consultation as a stand-alone offering but are also able to support your consultation needs leveraging our on-site instrumentation.
A Wide Array of Materials Testing Capabilities
Although we specialize in polymer-based materials we can also provide consultation and testing in dozens of fields, from novel method development and validation to forensic engineering to deformulations and everything in between. If it falls under the category of polymer, plastic or materials testing, we can help.
We provide consultation services across industry, including medical, medical devices, pharmaceutical, packaging, aerospace, defense, and manufacturing. Through our services, numerous organizations have met compliance requirements from a range of regulatory bodies and have overcome innumerable materials challenges.